Discover Your Dream Home

Kristen Johnson

As a real estate professional for over 20 years, I truly love the people, community, the industry I work in, and the beautiful area in northern Idaho that we are lucky enough to live in! I aim to make the most extraordinary and stress free experience for my clients throughout the transaction. I will educate, advocate, negotiate, communicate, be honest, and stand by your side during your buy or sell. Success in my business has been backed by my repeat clientele, family, energy, eagerness to stay educated and relevant, and my involvement in my profession. My job and goal is to have your best interest in mind and to keep you happy and gratified throughout the transaction and a client for life!


Kristen Johnson
Designated Broker
Agent Development Coordinator

(208) 699-2938
(208) 765-5554
Beutler & Associates

What Clients Are Saying

Kristen Johnson helped us with the sale of our home, and the purchase of our new home. She is great to work with! We have lived in this area our entire lives and Kristen knows this area and market as well as anyone. She is easy to get ahold of, communicates throughout the whole process and keeps you well informed of everything that's going on. We are saying right now that we'll NEVER move again.....but if we do we would definitely have Kristen represent us.

-The Kanes

Let's Explore North Idaho Together!

Coeur d'Alene


Post Falls


Benewah County

Shoshone County

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Contact Me Today


Kristen Johnson


Designated Broker

Agent Development Coordinator

(208) 699-2938
(208) 765-5554
Beutler & Associates

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